Saturday, June 21, 2008


I agree that more honest debate on climate change would be a great thing. Unfortunately, it's taken forever to get most republicans to even acknowledge the fact that global warming is real... And the Bush administration has demonstrated time and again that it is, in fact, anti-science. It's hard to move to the next stage of the conversation when our government and the public at large have only recently begun to acknowledge that global warming is real. So now we can begin the conversation about the severe consequences. But perhaps the moral crusade is a symptom of denial. No one wants to face the fact that we have irreversibly fucked up the environment. Maybe the "green is groovy" movement is just a stage before acceptance. I am an enviro-sentimentalist (I made that up) - I am stuck in the denial stage. I am not yet ready to just shrug my shoulders and accept the idea that the environment is going to shit and there's nothing we can do about it. I want someone to tell me I CAN do something about it. I don't want to move on to the "acceptance" stage. I mean everything beautiful and inspiring in our natural world is disappearing. Seasons? What, no more autumn leaves in New England? No more winter? Blazing hot, practically unbearable temperatures in 3/4 of the country during summer? Mass extinctions of species? Destruction of all our coastlines? I mean, sure we need to plan for these things rationally, but I just can't get past all this... I desperately want to believe that we can fix it, and I hang on every word from people who tell me we can make a difference.

For that, I am stupid.

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